How Does Assisted Living Change Daily Life for a Senior?

Assisted living can completely change the way a senior lives each day.

Aging gradually changes a person’s body. Even adults who have no underlying health conditions will face diminished muscle tone and bone density. Hearing and eyesight are also commonly decreased. 

People who have a health condition may face more dramatic changes. Some cannot walk on their own or can only do so for short distances. Everyday objects can become tripping hazards. Fall injury risk is very serious for seniors. One bad fall can lead to a lengthy hospital stay or worse.

Older adults also face mental health challenges. The older a person is, the more likely they are to experience loss in their life. Many see friends and family pass away. Health conditions and decreased mobility can make it difficult to get out and meet people. 

These factors increase the risk of isolation and depression. A lack of support makes it hard to find help when a senior needs assistance with everyday tasks. Depression can cause real physical symptoms that lower a person’s quality of life.

That’s why so many seniors decide to move into assisted living. These communities provide a safe, secure place for older adults to thrive. 

Seniors age differently, so there is no specific age that indicates a person needs help. Your loved one should consider assisted living if you notice any of the following:

  • Negative Changes in Hygiene

Older adults don’t always admit when they are struggling. Early signs can appear as changes in hygiene. If you notice body odor, dirty hair, unclipped fingernails, and other signs of poor hygiene, don’t ignore it. Your loved one may not be able to keep up with self-care and require assistance.

  • Poor Health That Isn’t Improving

Seniors usually face more health challenges than younger people. Declining health is a sign that it is time for more support and attention.

  • Depression Symptoms and Isolation

Depression symptoms in seniors can appear as anxiety, hopelessness, guilt, low energy, irritability, and mood changes. If you also notice that your loved one is isolated, assisted living may be a better alternative to staying at home.

  • Difficulty Navigating Their Home

Seniors who seem to stumble or trip in their homes may be dealing with age-related changes. Poor eyesight, loss of strength, or dementia can make it hard to move through familiar spaces. Previous fall incidents can also be a big red flag that it’s time for assisted living.

  • Inability to Keep Up with Chores

Basic household chores can become an obstacle for seniors. If your previously tidy loved one suddenly can’t keep up with vacuuming, dusting, dishes, and other daily tasks, they may need help.

  • Forgetting to Pay Bills or Handle Finances

If your loved one seems to be missing bill payments due to forgetfulness, they may need more support. Older people also tend to be more vulnerable to financial fraud. Assisted living makes managing bills easier. Staff can monitor residents to look for signs of financial abuse.

Assisted living can help seniors overcome these problems and spend more of their time comfortable and happy. How is life in a senior community different from life at home?

Social Opportunities and Access to a Group of Peers

Social opportunities are one of the biggest reasons that seniors are happier in assisted living. These facilities come with built-in communities. 

Residents live closely with their peers. Staff members organize gatherings and events that bring residents together to bond. Older adults who may have spent many lonely days at home can now expand their social circles and gain the benefits of socialization.

Residents still have private rooms and spaces to retreat to, but will always be close to a bustling community of friends.

Professionals Who Monitor for Changes in Health and Behavior

Assisted living staff lifts some of the burden of monitoring for changes in health and behavior off of seniors and their families. 

The people working at these facilities understand the signs of physical and mental health issues. They interact with residents every day, putting them in a good position to check for changes.

Assisted living workers also know who to contact to ensure that seniors in their care get the help and support they need.

No More Worrying About Household Chores and Maintenance

Chores and home maintenance may not be a big deal when a person is younger but can become a major issue as they age. If left undone, a previously comfortable living space can deteriorate quickly. 

Unfinished repairs can make rooms unusable or unsafe. A lack of cleaning can turn a person’s sanctuary into an unsanitary mess. Dirt and bacteria buildup can put your loved one at risk of infection and illness.

Assisted living facilities provide housekeeping services. Residents don’t have to worry about repairs or tidying up. It’s all done for them so they can live in a clean, functional home and have more time to do the things they love.

Elderly Residents Remain Clean and Comfortable Every Day

Tasks of daily living are essential for every human being. These include basic activities like grooming, bathing, toileting, and preparing and eating food – all things most people take for granted.

Elderly people who have health conditions and mobility limitations may not be able to do some or all of their tasks of daily living. Assisted living provides a good balance of independence with the support of staff who can make sure your loved one eats and keeps up with personal hygiene.

Regular Meals That are Prepared with Senior Nutrition in Mind

Food is essential to life. Some seniors struggle to grocery shop, prepare food, and feed themselves. Not eating will quickly cause health to deteriorate. 

Residents in assisted living don’t have to worry about cooking – unless they want to do it for fun. Facilities offer nutritious meals that are prepared with fresh ingredients. Most will also address unique dietary needs like allergies or diabetes.

Older adults in the early stages of dementia may forget to eat. Staff in an assisted living community will make sure they eat regularly and can inform families if a higher level of care is required. 

Extra Security to Lower Risk of Crime and Fraud

Senior citizens are a vulnerable population when it comes to financial fraud and crime. Residents in assisted living are protected from most forms of criminal activity.

Facilities usually have locking doors and windows with proper lighting and cameras in place to deter would-be thieves. They also have staff on hand to monitor for signs of phone scams and other illicit activity that may target seniors.

Aspen Care Home offers this and more for residents. Our staff provides attentive personal care that includes assistance with self-feeding, medication administration, housekeeping, and activities of daily living. Visit our website now to learn more about life in an assisted living community.